Contact Sheets and Shoot Evaluation

 Photoshoot Contact Sheets:

Below are all of the images taken throughout or didipak photoshoot:

Above are all our images taken during our digipak photo shoot. It was important to consider all the typical convetnions we wanted to follow when shooting for the production of our digipak. Thes included bright colours which we used through a projector and low key lighting. Within our digipak we hope to display a unique and ethereal atmosphere towards our audience which we believe shows within our images.

As well as this it was important to gather some shots from various camera angles in order to give us a wider choice of images to use when experimenting with our digipak design. Therefore we gathered photos which used direct mode of adress, close ups, long shots, different gestures and poses as well as colours displayed in the background. the amount of images achieved will enable myself and my partner to have a varied choice of what we can use within our digipak helping to achive our visions to the best of our abilities.

Overall the shoot ran smoothly due to our pre organisation before the initla date. Everyone knew what they were responisble for in relation to costumes, props, makeup and lighting helping to use our time effectively and sufficiently.

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