Final Magazine Drafts

Front Cover:

Please click on image to see PDF.

Contents Page:

Please click on image to see PDF.

Double Page Spread:

Please click on image to see PDF.


Within my final drafts I have made changes based around my given feedback as well as to create the best product for my magazine:

  • Minor changes have been made to my front cover and double page sread such as the colours, fonts and more coverlines to help give the targeted audience more detail.
  • However for my contents page more changes have been made to improve the quality and design of the page. The image and background have been swapped for a better quality and more intresting colour to help create a selling point. I found this image worked better as the model is looking up towards other images helping to craete a focal point.
  • I have made certain words and coverlines stand out on the page to help the audience find key details about each topic.
  • I have experimented with different colours within certain design features to see what worked best for the pages.



Chosen Adverts

Chosen Adverts:

Dr. Martens Integrated Advert By Chicago Portfolio School: Own Your Stance | Ads of the World™

Vintage Fender Print Ads | Guitar, Electric guitar, Bass guitar

How They Appeal To My Targeted Audience:

The two adverts I have chosen appeal to both the demographics and phsychographics of my magazines targeted audience. My magazines target audience is primarily females in late teens who love to express their individual differences as well as learning new adventurous things.

Therefore these adverts fit the Indie music genre as well as the fashions and style of the music. The adverts are related to what the audiences intrests would be as well as matching the theme of a music magazine relating to my chosen genre. Dr. Martins relate to the audiences fashion and uniqueness as well as this brand being a huge brand, allowing the audience to understand how well known the magazine is too be supporting these types of brands. The Fender Guitar advert relates to the style of music as well as the audiences intrests helping them to be encouraged to read on throughout the magazine.

Why Would Advertisers Be Interested?

Indi magazine mission statement: “Indi brings together a community of indie music lovers to admire and cherish their all time favourite music. We reveal the new and exciting information on fashion, artists and exciting projects to our audience encouraging our fans to express and reveal their individuality and spark to the world. With the latest information you can find out everything about your favourite artists from home and become apart of our indie community with just a turn of a page.”

My mission statement will appeal to these advertisers as their audience share similarities within the magazines helping them to reach the right people their product is aimed at.

My 3rd Drafts

Front Cover:

Please click on image to see PDF.

What’s New?

  • I have added a wider variety of colours to allow certain details to stand out as well as making the cover more intresting.
  • Some of the coverlines have been changed to fit the music genre better.
  • I have played with fonts and sizings to add extra design to the magazine cover.
  • A price has also been added as well as a music note design to add extra graphics.

Contents Page:

Please click on image to see PDF.

What’s New?

  • Within the double page spread I have added extra coverlines to fill the space as well as giving more detail to the audience.
  • I have played with the sizings of the fonts to give extra design making certain key words stand out.
  • I have also added drop shadow to certain objects to help the design.

Double Page Spread:

Please click on image to see PDF.


What’s New?

  • On my double page spread I have changed the background design to a more simple one helping to keep the attention on the cover star and article.
  • I have added extra designs such as music notes to add an extra touch and design.
  • The article has been made smaller in order to minimise the space it takes up.
  • A quote has been added for further detail.
  • The masthead has also been made larger to make sure it stands out.

Mrs Cobb’s Screen Castify With Suggested Feedback:

  • To move the cover star to the other side in order to have more room for coverlines.
  • Move the main cover line doen to crete more room.
  • Change the colour of the box behind the coverline, “Secrets to songwriting”.
  • Move barcode to the right as well as the price.
  • To add a plug for the magazine at the top explaining what the magazine does.
  • Change the background of the contents page in order to make sure there isn’t too much pink.
  • Make the imge bigger on the contents page.
  • Add a page number to the contents page.
  • Within the coverlines on contents page continue the theme of certain words standing out.
  • Add s caption too the stars on the contents page.
  • Make sure all numbers correspond.
  • Experiment with colours on the contents page.
  • Add captions to the smaller images.
  • Attach PDF’s to blog.
  • Make the standfirst visible on the double page spread.
  • Make title bigger on double page spread.
  • Add drop shadow to background behind cover star.
  • Make sure the star image on double page spread is known.




2nd Draft Of Double Page Spread

My Second Draft:

Please click on image to see PDF.

What’s New?

Within my second draft on my double page spread I have made some changes and improvements in order to create a product that suits my magazine genre best:

  • I have made the splash less harsh on the page in order to make sure it doesn’t take away the focus of the image and article.
  • I have aslo added more details such as extra colours which allows tha page to stand out appealing the audience to read the article.
  • The colour pallette of my double page spread now matches my magazines theme allowing the audience to recognise ‘indi’ allowing it to create a brand.
  • The double page spread now also includes my own article for the magazine about ‘Secrets To Songwriting’ as well as a by line in the corner to show who has written it.

What’s Next?

Further possible changes I could make to my double page spread could be:

  • Try and make the headline stand out even more and add a possible different colour to seprate it from the article.
  • I would like to also experiment with different background colours to see if anything works better than white however I will still need to focus on making sure it is still simplistic for the audience and easy to read.
  • To make the splash a slightly lighter cover in order to keep the focus on the other conventions.
  • Experiment with different designs and details.

2nd Draft Of Contents Page

My 2nd Draft:

Please click on image to see PDF.

What’s New?

Changes I have made on my contents page are:

  • The rearrangement of the coventions to make it more intresting and detailed.
  • I have added an extra coverline allowing the page to provide more details and information for the audience.
  • I have also changed the main photo to fit the page better as it worked around the text.
  • It includes extra photos as well as a quote to make it more intresting for the reader as well as giving an insight to the magazine.

What’s Next?

Further improvements I could make to my contents page could be:

  • Finish the album review in bottom left or change to a different convention.
  • Add more designs to make it stand out but keep it simple.
  • Experiment with different colours amongst the page as well as fonts to make the design more intresting.


2nd Draft Of Front Page

My 2nd Draft:

Please click on image to see PDF.

What’s New?

For my second draft of my magazines front cover I have made some improvements to make the dsign work better and easier to read:

  • I have added extra coverlines however have still kept it simplistic to make the design the ‘same but different’ as this is typically seen on an Indie Alternative magazine.
  • Another change I have also made is that the coverlines have bceome more conventional as I have moved the image slightly to create room for the writing and have taken away the purple circle to make it more ‘magazine like’.
  • To make the cover more intresting I have added more colours within the writing to make key points stand out to it’s targeted audience helping them to know what will be included within the magazine.

What’s Next?

Future improvements I can make:

  • Add extra coverlines without the magazine cover getting too crowded as the Indie style is typically seen to be simplistic.
  • I could also experiment with different colours for the backgrounds and writings to see what works best as well as adding small details like the magazines selling price.
  • Another convention which could change would be the main coverline moving down the page slightly I order to make sure the cover star is not covered.

1st Draft Of Double Page Spread

First Draft:

Please click on image to see pdf.

Self Assessment:

Three Things I like:

  • The use of the splash tool to add extra detail
  • The alliteration within the headline
  • The size and rotation of the main image

Five Things I Need To Improve:

  • Less use of the splash tool to make it less busy.
  • Fill the writing in with my magazines article
  • Add extra detail and possible images
  • Include a byline
  • make the details underneath the healines to be staright and possibly add extra colours.

Contacts Sheets- Photoshoot Two

Throughout the process of my photo shoot I had to ensure I focused on certain convention such as lighting, exposure, camera angle, hair, costume and makeup. If all of these things are thought about and taken into consideration then I will be able to connote a meaning and story of my model towards the audience. By taking a variety of photos with different outfits, props and body language will allow me to have a wider rage to choose from making it easier to tell a story. Within a double page spread articles are featured relating to the image on the page, therefore the photo needs to have a meaning and story behind it. The use of props helps to do this e.g a guitar could allow my article to be about songwriting.

The final image I have chosen is displayed below. I have chosen the photo because it precisely matches my msuic genre as well as connoting a story. The guitar allows my article to be about songwriting which interets the audience. As well as this, this images lighting, focus and angle all worked well together and created a nice image for the double page spread.

Production Meeting Agenda for 2nd Photo Shoot

In order to have a successful shoot you need to prepared and know exactly when and where your going to be at the time. I have created a production meeting agenda for myself and my model to help know what we both need to bring for the photoshoot. Within this agenda I have focused on:

  • Time and dates
  • Makeup
  • Props
  • Costumes

Planning ahead has allowed me to create an image of what I want my model to look like in order to create a style to conote the indie genre of my magazine.

Draft Feature Article

Article Planning:

First Draft:

Secrets To Song Writing                                                                                                                                  Behind The Lyrics Of Some Of The Best Indie Songs With Destiny.

In 2018, Indie star Destiny gained the confidence to release her first original song, “All For You” after her closest family described it to be ‘beautiful’ and within the space of one year she gained huge recognition from Indie fans all around the world. Her song quickly hit top of the charts nearing the end of 2019 due to her heartwarming and sentimental lyrics striking the hearts of many.When interviewing Destiny at our studios after inviting her in we managed to reveal the meanings behind her lyrics and what they mean to her personally.

“Hey Destiny, thank you for coming in today. We just wanna know what inspired the lyrics within your songs?”

Destiny revealed to us that back in 2017 her much loved partner, Noah, passed away after a fatal car accident. At this time the couple has been dating for three years and after Destiny heard the news the night of the accident she was devastated. She stated throughout the time of her grieving her passion for music helped her to feel something again giving her a sense that he was still here with her. Destiny expressed , “When I lost Noah I felt crushed and the pain was never stopping but when I started to understand the ways of music and listened to our favourite songs over I knew he was still here with me everyday.”

Four months after Noah’s passing Destiny released her new song, “All For You” based around her lover. The lyrics within her original tell the story of a relationship coming and passing focusing on the good parts of his life. It’s sentimental tone and slow to quick pacing attracted the Indie community along with her other releases within her album. The story telling songs skyrocketed her to top of the charts giving the much loved star a new life and music career. Destiny stated, “I can’t thank all my supporters enough, the reaction to my songs has changed my life forever. I am extremely grateful for you all”

“What advice would you give to your fans who are wanting to songwrite?”

“I’d honestly say to start song writing you need to choose something you can relate to and that you can express your feelings for through the lyrics. Somethings can be hard to put into words but if you can understand the viewpoint of the song your writing it will come together naturally.” She then went on to saying, “Not only did experiences help me with my songs but going out and observing the natural beauty of the world and life is very inspiring. It’s like watching thousands of movies at once with everyday life just passing by.”

“What can we be expecting from you in the coming future?”

“I am extremely excited to announce that I will be doing an international tour throughout 2022 with not only my first album but also my new album which will be releasing next month. Aswell as this I also have a big project coming up which I know everyone is going to love.”

Our indi community can’t wait to see what is to come from this new star and her song writing as we update and support her along the way. Will Destiny expiernce another no.1 album and become one of the greatest artists of all time? Stay with us along her journey as we give you updates everytime shes with us!

MP3 Recording:

By creating an MP3 recording of myself reading out my article allows me to spot any mistakes or any changes I could make for it to be smoother. I have made some changes to my article helping to show different language conventions typically seen in magazine articles.

Final Redraft:

Secrets To SongWriting                                                                                                                                  Behind The Lyrics Of Some Of The Best Indie Songs With Destiny.

In 2018, Indie star Destiny gained the confidence to release her first original song, “All For You” after her closest family described it to be ‘beautiful’ and within the space of one year she gained huge recognition from Indie fans all around the world. Her song quickly hit top of the charts nearing the end of 2019 due to her heartwarming and sentimental lyrics striking the hearts of many. Indi managed to catch up with Destiny at her studios and she revealed to us the meanings behind her lyrics and what they personally mean to her.

“We just wanna know what inspired the lyrics within your songs?”

Destiny explained that back in 2017 her much loved partner, Noah, passed away after a fatal car accident. At this time the couple has been dating for three years and after Destiny heard the news the night of the accident she was devastated. She stated throughout the time of her grieving, her passion for music helped her to feel something again giving her a sense that he was still here with her. Destiny then went on to elaborate, “When I lost Noah I felt crushed and the pain was never ending but when I started to understand the healing powers of music, listening to our favourite songs over and over again,  I knew he was still here with me everyday.”

Four months after Noah’s passing Destiny released her new song, “All For You” based around her lover. The lyrics within her original,  outline the story of a relationship coming and passing focusing on the good parts of his life. It’s sentimental tone and slow to quick pacing attracted the Indie community along with her other releases within her album. The story telling songs skyrocketed her to top of the charts giving the much loved star a new life and music career. Destiny went on to add, “I can’t thank all my supporters enough, the reaction to my songs has changed my life forever. I am extremely grateful for you all”

“What advice would you give to your fans who are wanting to become songwriters?”

“I’d honestly say to start writing you need to choose something you can relate to and that you can express your feelings for, through the lyrics. Some things can be hard to put into words but if you can understand the viewpoint of the song, your writing will come together naturally.” She then added, “Not only did experiences help me with my songs but going out and observing the natural beauty of the world and life is very inspiring. It’s like watching thousands of movies at once with everyday life just passing by.”

“What can we expect from you in the coming future?”

“I am extremely excited to announce that I will be doing an international tour throughout 2022 with not only my first album but also my new album which will be releasing next month. As well as this I also have a big project coming up which I know everyone is going to love.”

Our Indi community can’t wait to see what is to come from this new star and her songwriting whilst we follow her journey and support her along the way. Will Destiny experience another N.1 album and become one of the greatest artists of all time?   Make sure to read our next edition to see how she is faring.