Evaluation of shoot or graphic shoot

Reflection: These are the images that our group chose to create for our digipak with introspection. These particular images were picked because they are all imaginative and project an intriguing message for the viewer to interpret. Additionally, we are using these photos to maintain our branding goal of having our band deviate from the generic indie rock bands. This will enable us to stand out from the crowd and be distinctive, but because we represent the criminal underclass and a hardscrabble working class lifestyle, we are at the very least recognizable to the indie rock scene.


PMA and Risk Assessment for DP shoot

This is our risk assessment and PMA for the DP shot. In order to prepare for the shoot, we have gathered pictures and the names of the individuals who will be in charge of providing the necessary gear and clothing for our genre (indie rock). Other details, such the shoot’s date, time, and location, have been included. Finally, we have the contact information for our two media teachers in the unlikely event of an accident or potential issue.

Contact Sheet or Graphics / illustrations Drafts Ideas

This is a contact sheet that displays every photo we took during the shoot, including various perspectives and shot varieties like our mid shots, long shots, high angle and etc. A select selection of these will be used in the digipak creation process. In general, I believe the photo shoot went well given the variety and caliber of the images we were able to capture, this includes the fact that we had to use a phone instead of a camera due to some difficulties.

Digipak Draft 1


We used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign to produce the front and back pages of a digipak for our music video. We are currently only utilizing the back page image as a temporary template. I believe the images we have amassed demonstrate a good mise-en-scene with regard to our genre’s conventions.

Improvements to be made:

– Using our own image rather than the one we borrowed
– Adding a stroke to the text
– Seeking a more appropriate font
– Possibly changing the front cover’s design to make it more eye-catching, perhaps with some form of colour contrast
– Considering a change to the name of the album

Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

We may accumulate the acquaintance required to advertise our digipak towards our audience by holding on to some other typical stars by first studying our audience as well as other stars within the genre. This will help in our digipak and social media page because the people who share the same psychographics can build a unity, this allows them to be part of a community that have similar opinions to each other which can give each other. This will lead to an increase in your brand visibility on the platform and fans can attract more potential customers to profiles.

The Look Book – The Package


Made with Padlet



We must first better understand the typical conventions of our genre in order to design our own digipak. We have determined the general color schemes, fashion, psycho graphics, demographics, stars of the genre and more from the look book. This material will serve as an example for both our star’s social media page and digipak.