Draft 3 (Edit Includes Music and Foley Sounds)

This is my third draft for my thriller film. This includes non-diegetic, diegetic sounds and foley sounds recorded by Harry and I.


The video below is some feedback I received on my sound and music.



Based on this feedback these are a few of my targets:

  • Colour correction with a filter, I will most likely add a tint to make it darker.
  • Fade music before title and overlay a different piece of instrumentation.
  • More diegetic sounds i.e. clinking of bottles and goblets.
  • Change in sound when the gun is revealed.
  • Add sea gulls as apart of the dietetic ambient sound.

Sound Production and Editing

Harry and I went out to record some foley sounds to add to our thriller. These include a door creek for rigging, water swooshing for rowing and poring water for poring beer.

The water swooshing was too fast and had a high pitch which didn’t go with the oar rowing in the water. To change  this I put the sound file into audacity and changed the initial and final pitch which very discreetly distorted the sound and made it deeper.

Sound Design

To have a better understanding of how sound and music can effect the audience I closed my eyes and listened to the track below. On wordle I wrote down 15-20 words that came to my mind whilst listening to it, this is refereed to as synaethesia.

Synaesthesia refers to the process when senses provoke other senses into action for example being able to hear colours, seeing tastes and feeling.

These are a few diegetic and non-diegetic sound effects and tracks that I could use for my thriller

To play the music you need to click on the track and then press play.


Draft 2 (Edit Including Titles)



The feedback I have received is telling me that I need to add transitions so it doesn’t feel like a bad cut, I need to colour correct the whole thing to make the thriller darker and somehow cut out graffiti as it is too modern.

Based on this feedback I have added transitions onto the points said above and though I was not able to get rid of the graffiti I have placed a title to the left of it to distract the audience from it. I have also added a tint all over to colour correct.


Titles Design and Production

Out of all the title I prefer the third because it relates appropriately to my thriller without looking too posh or too modern. The second one is too bold and could be hard to read when placed into my thriller. The first one relates and works well with my thriller but is a bit too modern and might ruin the flow of the sequence.


Using adobe after effects I inserted the premiere pro video into the sequence so I could create titles over it. I put a title over where I wanted it to go (placement and timing) and changed the font, size and colour to fit my thriller. To make the titles fade in and out I went to the animate in and animate out section and chose the animation I thought was appropriate. To see which animations I thought worked I used adobe bridge.