For this second draft of our music video, we have added in the clips from a recent shoot we did where our female model is in a therapy session. It is understood by the group that we have a lot of footage to cover, in order to create a full music video to the best of our ability. The variety of angles we used has improved dramatically and made the clips much more personal, which was important to notice especially with the nature of these clips being in a ‘therapy session’.

Despite us being proud of the work we have produced in this short timeframe, there is room for improvements, especially when it comes to the performance clips and the story part of our narrative. In our next draft we hope to improve this, our next shoot will enable us to do so. During this shoot we aim to be more organized and have a story board already planned out.

After analyzing this previous students work, we have come to realize that we need to use more interesting camera angles, especially when it comes to the performance clips, as it creates a more up beat and interesting aspect to the video, which ours currently lacks. The video could also include camera transitions that will move from one clip to another, this will be visually pleasing and allow the clips to flow easier. Utilizing how we edit our clips to suit the narrative will make it easier for the audience to understand the storyline.



  • We have a variety of extreme close ups which show the personal side to our filming.
  • The opening clip where our model breaks the fourth wall, works well as it connects with the audience and gives a cheeky vibe off.
  • We have edited some of our clips to the beat of the music which uplifts the feel and pace of the music video.
  • The low angles used where the male is on the hay bale works well as it changes up the lighting and angles of the music video and breaks up the intense beats to the music.


  • Include more footage so that we have a complete music video.
  • Play around with the background color of some of the clips.
  • Include more clips of close up moments of model in therapy session.
  • Have the female model break the fourth wall later on in the music video.
  • When re-shooting the performance clips, not just have him singing straight into the barrel of the camera.
  • Crop down some of the clips so that bushes and trees aren’t in the frame.



For this second draft of our music video, we have added in the clips from a recent shoot we did where our female model is in a therepy session. It is understood by the group that we have a lot of footage to cover, in order to create a full muisc video to the best of our ability. The variety of angles we used has improved dramtically and made the clips much more personal, which was important to notice especially with the nature of these clips being in a ‘therepy session’.

Despite us being proud of the work we have produced in this short timeframe, there is room for improvements, especiallly when it comes to the performance clips and the story part of our narrative. In our next draft we hope to improve this, our next shoot will enable us to do so. During this shoot we aim to be more organised and have a story board already planned out.



Shoot 2 was our first narrative shoot, we chose to shoot this during our summer break, as we knew it ensured that we could find a day where the weather would be on our side. Initially it was windy during the shoot, so we relocated to an area where it was sheltered and our shots would not be affected by the wind.

This shoot is going to be the clips in our music video where the main female character has flashbacks to her teenage years and the easy life she had that was taken for granted. The shoot consisted of our two models, both in the age frame we were opting for. The Mise en scene of our shoot worked very well, both models were wearing very casual but edgy styles, the monochrome outfit of the color green on our female model represented the growth that she was going through, but also her connection to nature at the time (which she does not feel she has, as she grows older), the quirky pattern also highlights her youth, which later on in our music video will contrast to when she has grown up.


  • The mise en scene fitted the narrative of the music video well.
  • We worked well as a group to get a variety of shots with different angles.
  • We ensured that we had good lighting for the shoot.
  • The location for the shoot fitted the vibe of our music video.


  • There was not a clear story within our footage.
  • Overall organisation.
  • Needed to cover more footage during the shoot.
  • A wider variety of angles could have been used.




After discussing with the group, we have come to a decision, for our narrative to change once more. This is due to the troubles we were having whilst filming the two children who were going to perform as the younger versions of our models. Planning a shoot during the summer also proved to be difficult to when both children were free. To allow us to be able to film and keep on track with our music video, changing the narrative was the easiest and most conventional choice for us as a group.



As the song chosen for our music video is very quick, it was hard for our model to learn all the lyrics. This limited the amount of shots that we could take for the performance shoot. Despite this we still managed to get some good shots at the abandoned bus, but the weather resulted in us having to film inside. Even though our model was more comfortable at lip-syncing by this time, and his pronunciation was better, the lighting just wasn’t bright enough and did not fit the aesthetic of our music video. I think our group needs to work harder on the planning of the shoot, so that when it comes to it, everything will flow a lot easier.

For this rough cut we have added a few narrative shots, however we have come to realize that we need a larger variety of angles and transitions, especially close ups and extreme close ups.

It should be easier in the summer to shoot our music video, as the weather and lighting will improve, and with that, so will our music video. As a group, we think it is necessary to re-do this performance shoot, as we would like our music video to be to the best of all of our abilities, and not have the performance part slip under our high standard due to the weather.


  • Focusing forward, we need to check the weather forecast before we shoot (if it is an outdoors shoot).
  • Use a wider variety of shots (close ups, extreme close ups, long shots).
  • Think in more depth, if the location fits in with how we would like our music video to look and whether it fits in with the overall aesthetic.
  • Take more establishing shots.


For our performance shoot, we went to the abandoned bus and to my house, initially we wanted to film all of the performance at the bus, however the weather was not on our side and we had to shoot with the led lights. This clearly did not work well with our music video as our rough cut is not how we expected it to turn out.


  • Our model had clear pronunciation of the words when lip syncing, and showed personality by using his facial expressions.
  • When editing we could all agree on which clips were right to use in our rough cut.
  • We ensured that everyone had an equal amount of time filming the performance shoot.
  • Our model really jumped into the performance and represented the star image well.


In order to improve and set goals for yourself and your group, we understand that notifying what went wrong, is the only way to then move forward.

  • The weather was rainy and windy, so our shots taken outdoors were slightly out of focus.
  • The LED lighting was not bright enough, causing the shots to look dull and not very clear.
  • Was not very well planned out (tripod piece was missing).
  • Model did not know all of the lyrics to the song so we were limited with our shots.
  • Not enough establishing shots.


Creating a narrative storyboard of shots, framing and composition that fits the structure of our narrative was important so we could have a clear plan layed out infornt of us, of the coverage that we needed. This will enable us to have a variety of shots to choose from in the moment of filming, as we understand that under the stress of filming, we could forget imporatant shots that fit in with not only the narrative of our music video, but also the chronology. Despite us not using the equilibrium structure of music video, we still want our narrative to have a vague outline of chronilogical form, so the audience has a deeper understanding with no conflict to our music video.

Our storyboard consists of:

  • establishing shots
  • framing
  • composition
  • long shots, close ups, mid shots
  • Wide angles, aerial shots, distorted angles