Category: Final Products

Final Music Video

Below is my Final Music Video.

From the second draft feedback we made some final tweaks to our music video to produce our final music video.

First we edited more to the beat, but less intense compared to the second draft, we also edited more, frantic shots during the second chorus as suggested to create a more visually appealing performance.

Secondly we used a larger variety of shots and prevented any shots being repeated, and finally we added more shots of the drummer as some felt that the drummer wasn’t shown enough and was being hid by the singer.

Overall we are proud of the music video in which we have created, ideas and visions changed over the course of the creation of the music video, however we are still happy with the final product.

Final Digi-Pack and Advert

Below is my Final Digi-pack Design and Final Advert Design.

Final Digi-pack

Final Poster







From the second draft feedback of our digi-pack and advert we made some final tweaks to our products to produce our final Digi-pack and Advert.

First we edited our digi-pack by adding all of the details such as band name, album name, song name and other details. We also edited the saturation of all the panels apart from the front cover, removing colour from the background of the ties and guitars, and brightening the background of back cover. We also cropped the images down to the size of a digi-pack cover and cropped the back cover so that the image was more visually appealing.

Secondly we removed the outer two ties on the advert, removed 2 of the sets of stars and finally changed the font of the release date. All of the changes we done in response to the feedback which we received from our second drafts.

Overall we are proud of the print products in which we have created, ideas and visions changed over the course of the creation of the products, however we are still happy with the final products.