Digipak Conventions Analysis

I decided to look at a Miley Cyrus digipak cover as this is a professional example that I can study. I considered what typical conventions were used based on the genre as this is the same as my own groups (Pop Rock). I talked about conventions used such as bold fonts, colour schemes, posing, costume, layout etc. This was beneficial for me as I now have a greater understaning of what a conventional Pop Rock digipak looks like. This allows me to refer back to my annotations when designing my own digipak, meaning that I will be able to create my own version, whilst using similar aspects so that it is conventional, but I will include creative twists to make it different from the rest. It is important that a digipak is still conventional in some aspects though so that the buyer will be able to identify what genre it is, and therefore they can make an informed decision on whether or not they would like to buy it. If it is too unconventional, it may become misleading.

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