So… Hello Media Studies

So… Hello Media Studies I am excited to get started!

During the course I am hoping to learn how to create new forms of media such as a video or magazine. I am also hoping to develop my skills in team work, listening, self reflection and time management. More specifically I hope to develop and learn new skills in video editing, photo editing and  and create my own personal projects and know they are a good quality.

I have an understanding of most google documents such as slides, docs and sheets. I believe I am a good listener and I think I work well in teams but I am willing to learn and develop these skills further.  I have tried photo and video editors but I think I still have a lot more to learn but again I am very willing to learn more.

I think media skills could be useful in many ways. I think that team working skills, time management skills, quality management and communication skills can be very useful in many jobs. I also think that now days a qualification  in media studies is very useful in a number of jobs and working situations.

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