Audience profiling

When creating a music magazine or any magazine really, you need to understand your target audience ( the audience you wish to reach with the magazine. You can find ways to categorise audiences by demographics  which would be age, gender , social economic background or ethnicity, and psycographics which goes into more detail for example interests or hobbies etc.I think that uncut magazine has matched the look of the magazine and the black keys fans interests well. I think this because of the fairly dark and dull main magazine cover. Apart from the free CD there is very little colour and I think that matches the band well as they are a classic rock band and the fans aren’t looking for a colourful pop-star on the cover.  I think that this magazine is for an older fan base, I think this because the colours chosen are very simple and if a magazine  wanted to attract a younger audience they would use a range of bold bright colours.

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