A Front Cover Analysed

I chose this magazine cover to analyse because I liked the dark background and the bright design of the free CD. The language “conquered” used on the cover fives the impression of this tour being a victory and victorious.  Also the words “rocks out” shows that this rock band is very good. Also the band being described as “intense” will also be good as rock fans are likely to want a hardcore and intense performance.

Demographics and psycographics are used  to put audiences into groups.

Demographics include:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Financial situation
  • Ethnicity

Psycographics include:

  • Hobbies
  • Interests
  • Attitudes

I don’t really know The Black Keys but the magazine  drew me in and I like how the main image covered some of the masthead, this is done because the brand of magazine is so recognisable that you can guess that its uncut, even if you don’t know the magazine they leave jsut enough that you can easily fill in the gaps. My favourite  part of the magazine is how the magazine can be eye catching and attract the audience yet not be that colourful, therefore they designers used techniques to attract attention rather then flashy colours.





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