Branding Ideas + Mission Statement

The genre of magazine I will be making is a rock magazine.  I want to go with a few genres of rock music but I will focus on punk music and  also classic rock.  The reason I wanted to go with the rock genre  is because I like the classic rock music of the 60s all the way to the 2000s. There are also many bands I could add to the magazine giving me lots of options when it comes to the design of the magazine. I will name my music magazine ‘The Classic’ and the main cover image will likely be a classic rock band. The reason for the name ‘The classic’ is for a number of reasons, one being that the name explains what will be inside the magazine which is classic types of rock music, but it also in my opinion adds slight brand recognition to the name and also creates a feeling of premium quality about the product.

The mission statement I created for my magazine.

We aim to provide a magazine for all rock music lovers. We want to give fans interesting stories and information about their favourite bands and artists. We will feature any type of rock from country rock to classic rock.


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