Communicating My Brand


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After creating my rock fans ‘dating profile’ I did research to create my mood board. My pinterest board includes alum cover, posters, colours, designs, photos etc. I will refer to this mood board when I create my music magazine and it will hopefully allow me to have a clear theme and keep me from running out of ideas. I picked out key images that would display the rock genre well and like I said keep me from running out of ideas.

After finishing my mood board I have picked out some things I really want to include in my music magazine. Firstly I want lots of skull designs and also lots of darker colours. I also like the idea of the masthead possible looking like its been carved into wood, to me that fits ‘the classic’ title and will work well on my cover. I also added a few guitar images to the mood board and I wanted these because I was thinking if someone is in to rock music they also will be in the instruments that create that music so on my cover I might dedicate a small section to the instruments such as guitars and drums.

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