star Image – Theirs and mine

When creating a star out of thin air, I think that the look of the star is really important. To first get this started we created a prezi presentation on a band or artist from the genre we have chosen to get an idea of all the things they show off to the public from social media to interviews. I had to try and understand the meta narrative of the stars.

Click the picture for the presentation .

In the presentation I explain how they have been shown in magazines and other forms of media and how their whole look and personas could have been manufactured for the sake of entertainment and this is called the Dyer theory. I also spoke about how they use their social media and how their main account of the band has had social media (black outs) which could be for promotion and also could be showing their rebellious personas.

I also created a mood board of what I want my star to look like and I took inspiration from the band Green day as I think they have a distinct style in the genre of rock and punk rock. This is a mood board for what I  want my star to look like.

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