Design Skills 1

I learned a few important skills in the making of these two magazine covers. Firstly I improved my photoshop and indesign skills because I learned on the job while I improved my magazine cover from its first to second draft, this will help me in the future because I will use the skills I learned to make better pieces of work the first time around.

On photoshop I learned to use these tools better:

  • spot healing tool which helped me fix some of the cutting out errors and help cover overall errors
  • History brush allowed me to fix errors
  • The magic wand tool allowed me to cut my model well

On indesign I learned to use these tools and techniques better:

  • Gradient swatch and gradient feather these tools allowed me to get a background I liked
  • All the shape frames allowed me to add images and text in the right area and shape the text how I wanted
  • Adding colours and using the pencil and eraser tool allowed me to add colours and extra detail where I wanted it

What impact did using these tools have on  my end product?

Using these tools allowed me to create a far better and more professional product.

When I went from  my first draft of my front cover to my second draft I had to cut out a far more challenging image to cut out so I learned to use this tool and a few others  to cut out images much better and made my image much cleaner on the second draft.

This is another tool I used on both drafts. This  tool I used when I was on indesign and I used it to create my backgrounds.  On my second draft however I made a much cleaner and more professional looking background and I think that using what I have learned making my second draft I can create a much better third draft.



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