Complete magazine draft

This first image is my most recent draft of my front cover.


This next image is my most recent copy of my double page spread.


This final image is my most recent draft of my contents page.


The bulk of the text is mostly filler text at this point but I am still pleased with these drafts so far. I think they can link together and have a similar theme as well as they all fit my genre.  My favourite at this point is my DPS as I spent a long time on the layout and I like how it looks the most. My least favourite is my contents page as I have had the least time to shape it into something that looks really good and clean.


My screencastify feedback for my front page is mostly layout and text based. I need to work on making the text readable and bold while also filling up some of the space on the top of the screen

For my DPS the feedback was on the background image. The image I used was quite dark and grainy so I need to either find a new image or make my current image brighter and smaller and possibly cut it out. 

Finally my contents page  I need to add page numbers and change how I wrote out all the page headings.  I need to look at some real contents pages to find what I like and copy it. 

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