The media ecology

Social media was my main section out of the media ecology. I think it is the most important because it links to most other sections and can play a huge role in the success of the other sections. For example social media can be used to create large audiences and generate many people such as a creator money. It can also be used to through social media posts, polls and petitions to change the governments mind on particular issues so in that way it can be a very powerful tool.

The sections of the media ecology are:





Social Media





An explanation of the media ecology would be that all the sections link together and can work together to advance and grow. An example would be that a institution such as the BBC could want a TV show to be created and would use creators to create that show with money and technology. That show could generate a large audience/fan base and could then generate revenue from the show or merchandise, which means it would link back to money.

The media ecology links with the  magazine I am going to make in a few ways.

To make a magazine you will need to use technology, in the forms of hardware a computer and software a photo editor or document creator application.  To make the magazine you will need creators in my case I will make the music magazine.  You will also need an audience for a magazine to sell it for my magazine I will only show it to people that go to the school. Finally you will need money to create a magazine






In groups we created a scene out of Lego and it was supposed to show a scene where everything was connected and relied on each other. We created a beach scene with a stage. In the scene we had fish in the ocean living with some coral and a fisherman getting fish for food and a livelihood. We also had water in the scene with plants living off that. Finally we had the stage which provided money for the area and allowed it to be kept clean. Sadly the scene was destroyed before I could take a picture but I have tried to explain it.


Here is the mind map of the media ecology we did in pairs  on paper.

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