So… I am ready to photograph My Star

Brand values 

My music magazine is called ‘The Classic’ and I want my brand and mission statement to be built on the word classic. I want it to be simple yet eye catching, and something that could change a lot from issue to issue but still be recognisable. To achieve this I will need the masthead/title to stick to the mission statement of being classic and iconic.

Why I picked my star/model

I picked my friend Lewis to be my model and star of my magazine.  The reasons for this are that we get on well so it will be easy to direct him to get the shots I want. I also think he fits the genre and I think he can be changed easily into the rock style I am looking for.

Mission Statement

We aim to provide a magazine for all rock music lovers. We want to give fans interesting stories and information about their favourite bands and artists. We will feature any type of rock from country rock to classic rock.

What I want to achieve

The style and genre also has to reflect in the images on the cover. Things such as framing, shots and angles are very important to show a story in the image and also show a clear theme and genre.  I will use the all aspects of mise-en-scene to create the best images I possibly can. My aims are to create high quality images of a model in various positions and will use different angles and frames to capture those positions. I want to get a wide range of options for my magazine.

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