Category Archives: Music Magazine

So what am I up against?

This is the presentation that talks about the competition for my music magazine which includes online and physical magazines and also online posts and blog.  I haven’t added a voice thread over the top of this presentation but I have put a script in for what I would have said.

This presentation is important for my research into the genre and audience of rock music and will help me create the best and most authentic rock music magazine I can. I have learnt a great deal from this ranging  from what my models are likely to wear to what colours and themes I will be going with on my real magazine. I have also learned what typical conventions I should copy from these famous magazines and what I could do if I wanted to created a very different unconventional magazine.

star Image – Theirs and mine

When creating a star out of thin air, I think that the look of the star is really important. To first get this started we created a prezi presentation on a band or artist from the genre we have chosen to get an idea of all the things they show off to the public from social media to interviews. I had to try and understand the meta narrative of the stars.

Click the picture for the presentation .

In the presentation I explain how they have been shown in magazines and other forms of media and how their whole look and personas could have been manufactured for the sake of entertainment and this is called the Dyer theory. I also spoke about how they use their social media and how their main account of the band has had social media (black outs) which could be for promotion and also could be showing their rebellious personas.

I also created a mood board of what I want my star to look like and I took inspiration from the band Green day as I think they have a distinct style in the genre of rock and punk rock. This is a mood board for what I  want my star to look like.

Communicating My Brand


Click the picture to take you to the pinterest page.

After creating my rock fans ‘dating profile’ I did research to create my mood board. My pinterest board includes alum cover, posters, colours, designs, photos etc. I will refer to this mood board when I create my music magazine and it will hopefully allow me to have a clear theme and keep me from running out of ideas. I picked out key images that would display the rock genre well and like I said keep me from running out of ideas.

After finishing my mood board I have picked out some things I really want to include in my music magazine. Firstly I want lots of skull designs and also lots of darker colours. I also like the idea of the masthead possible looking like its been carved into wood, to me that fits ‘the classic’ title and will work well on my cover. I also added a few guitar images to the mood board and I wanted these because I was thinking if someone is in to rock music they also will be in the instruments that create that music so on my cover I might dedicate a small section to the instruments such as guitars and drums.

My Audience Profile

To understand my audience I needed to search on you gov website. I searched for 2 main bands with 2 types of rock genres. One was green day which are a punk rock band one was acdc. The age of the audience was generation x for the more hard rock and millennial’s for the punk rock. With this information I decided to focus on punk rock.  So the audience was likely between the ages 20 and 40 years old and also more likely to be male. I based the research for the ‘dating profile’ on this age group.

For the dating profile I used the green day audience and researched a  lot of things that are associated with a millennia. I searched everything from what job and car he had to what pet he had. Everything on the profile is supposed to be related to a millennial. But I also included some rock interests as the information used was from the audience of these bands.


Branding Ideas + Mission Statement

The genre of magazine I will be making is a rock magazine.  I want to go with a few genres of rock music but I will focus on punk music and  also classic rock.  The reason I wanted to go with the rock genre  is because I like the classic rock music of the 60s all the way to the 2000s. There are also many bands I could add to the magazine giving me lots of options when it comes to the design of the magazine. I will name my music magazine ‘The Classic’ and the main cover image will likely be a classic rock band. The reason for the name ‘The classic’ is for a number of reasons, one being that the name explains what will be inside the magazine which is classic types of rock music, but it also in my opinion adds slight brand recognition to the name and also creates a feeling of premium quality about the product.

The mission statement I created for my magazine.

We aim to provide a magazine for all rock music lovers. We want to give fans interesting stories and information about their favourite bands and artists. We will feature any type of rock from country rock to classic rock.


A Front Cover Analysed

I chose this magazine cover to analyse because I liked the dark background and the bright design of the free CD. The language “conquered” used on the cover fives the impression of this tour being a victory and victorious.  Also the words “rocks out” shows that this rock band is very good. Also the band being described as “intense” will also be good as rock fans are likely to want a hardcore and intense performance.

Demographics and psycographics are used  to put audiences into groups.

Demographics include:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Financial situation
  • Ethnicity

Psycographics include:

  • Hobbies
  • Interests
  • Attitudes

I don’t really know The Black Keys but the magazine  drew me in and I like how the main image covered some of the masthead, this is done because the brand of magazine is so recognisable that you can guess that its uncut, even if you don’t know the magazine they leave jsut enough that you can easily fill in the gaps. My favourite  part of the magazine is how the magazine can be eye catching and attract the audience yet not be that colourful, therefore they designers used techniques to attract attention rather then flashy colours.





Audience profiling

When creating a music magazine or any magazine really, you need to understand your target audience ( the audience you wish to reach with the magazine. You can find ways to categorise audiences by demographics  which would be age, gender , social economic background or ethnicity, and psycographics which goes into more detail for example interests or hobbies etc.I think that uncut magazine has matched the look of the magazine and the black keys fans interests well. I think this because of the fairly dark and dull main magazine cover. Apart from the free CD there is very little colour and I think that matches the band well as they are a classic rock band and the fans aren’t looking for a colourful pop-star on the cover.  I think that this magazine is for an older fan base, I think this because the colours chosen are very simple and if a magazine  wanted to attract a younger audience they would use a range of bold bright colours.

Conventional Design Features Of A Magazine.

The conventional design features for magazines include:

Main title/mast head


main image

bar code, date and price

plug or pug

The unconventional designs features for a magazine:

Free items such as a CD

Multiple images



We were given a magazine cover and we had to annotate the front cover to point out what was the conventional or normal design. In my pair we pointed out that there is always a large bold title but it is not always completely visible, I think ever magazine does this for brand recognition and so if people enjoy the magazine they will remember and pick up the next issue of the magazine. Another feature we saw was the large main image on the magazine, this is probably to gather interest and bring people to buy they magazine if they see a large clear image of a person they like. One more feature we pointed out was the smaller captions and cover lines, these can be found anywhere on most magazine covers and they can show the reader what articles and interviews are inside and is another way to attract readers. Most magazines have smaller features such as a bar code and price but these features are smaller and less important in my opinion. One last thing I want to talk about are the free items that some magazines might have, as we have been looking at the music genre a lot of magazines have a free CD inside which is another way to bring in customers.