June 26

Star Image – The Performer

From this moodboard of Dodie, we took images from her Instagram page, Twitter page, extracts from interviews and images from events she has attended and her album covers. From this we established that she is very loving and caring, which is demonstrated through images of her with her fans. We also decided that she is presented as an equal even though she has this celebrity background which is demonstrated through her fashion and clothes; they aren’t extravagant and she doesn’t wear a lot of make up highlighting that she is very down to earth and true to herself, backing up our idea of being your normal self, and natural, linking in with Richard Dyer’s Paradox of the Star theory which states that a star can be ordinary or extraordinary. Dodie is also presented as happy and quirky through the predominance of the colour yellow and the fun poses she strikes like the cartwheel and the jumping shot.

All of these elements help to build Dodie’s star image and the way that she wants to present herself to her audience and others globally through the media. It reflects her beliefs, values and traits that she aims to reflect in her music as well as reflecting the music genre that she is categorized in. Richard Dyer’s ‘Paradox of the Star’ theory states that an artist can be ordinary or extraordinary and both absent or present. My research shows that Dodie is ordinary and present allowing her to engage with her audience as she is very present on all of her social media pages, helping her audience to engage and relate with her, allowing them to see her private life behind the camera, creating a sense that they could also be a celebrity or a friend. By doing this researching and analysing Dodie’s online presence, I understand and respect my artist and the way she presents herself on the media and how she presents her music as she needs to be conventional to the pop genre so that her audience don’t reject it. However at the same time, she also needs to be different and unique so that her audience can engage with her unique style, helping her to stand out in the crowded music market.

Posted 26th June 2020 by elishahorsepool in category Component 3, Music Video

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