March 20

“Prelim Task Lip Syncing Exercise”

Here is my edited video of the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga. For this task I had to lip sync footage to the original song in order to make it seem as if our stars were singing the song. This is more difficult than it seems!

Successful editing and lip syncing is crucial for a music video because with faulty lip syncing, it makes the video unbelievable for the audience. This could then impact on the stars reputation and the trust with their fans: is the star actually singing the song?

The footage that we got made it difficult to lip sync the video to the audio as some of the lip movement was unclear because people were laughing and messing up the words. It was difficult to get successful footage at first because the stars weren’t animated and looked rather still on camera, however once more people joined in and got into the spirit of it, the footage looked more lively and interesting. It would be better if the footage had more dancing in it or the stars used facial expressions more, however overall the footage isn’t awful. When editing the footage, there were moments that I couldn’t quite get to sync up with the audio (0:33) and there are also moments of darkness where I didn’t put a clip in or cut a clip too short (0:18). However, there were also very successful moments of lip syncing (0:57). This is extremely effective because it makes the clip seem very believable because the lip syncing and audio are exactly in line. There are also successful cuts between shots in the edit (0:08-0:13). These quick speed edits make the video interesting for the audience to look at because it is frequently changing and showing different stars.

Looking forward, I have learnt that it is extremely important to have successful lip syncing in a video because without it the star looks fake and it doesn’t look effective or professional. I have also learnt that it is important for the stars to be animated and comfortable in front of the camera because otherwise it makes the audience feel uncomfortable watching the video too. It would also be useful to have shots other than singing because watching people singing over and over again can get very tedious on the eye, so a variety of shots would be preferable for my music video: e.g. dancing and narrative shots.

Posted 20th March 2020 by elishahorsepool in category Component 3, Preliminary Tasks

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