A Front Cover Analysed

I am able to analyse a music magazine cover. In this task we had to pick a magazine cover from a few different choices and genres. I chose the Billboard magazine cover. I examined the different visual aspects of the magazine including fonts, colour used and the cover star but I also assessed who the audience psychographic and demographic were to find out who the target market was and who would be buying it. For instance the different “rainbow colours” used suggested that the brand supports pride and that the magazine is targeted towards people who are part of and support the LGBTQ + community.

In this task I have learnt that it is really important to consider all options when creating a magazine that will be attractive to the target audience. This is so that you will be able to maximise sales and earn as much profit as possible. When I create my magazine I will definitely consider things like font, language and the colours I use to make it the best it can be.

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