Brand Moodboard and Star Image


Click on image to see full mood board.

Today, I created a mood board on pinterest that consists of many different parts of electronic dance music. I did this in order to get some inspiration for my magazine. I found conventions like, images, song lyrics, fonts, colour schemes, magazine covers, album art and tour posters that I thought fit well with the EDM genre.

As you can see in my mood board lots of neon and bright colours are used. Heavy makeup and strong eyeshadow looks are also used to connote quite a fun and exciting feeling. Bold fonts are also used throughout. This shows that EDM is very out there and wild, in fact almost crazy. I’m happy with my mood board because in my opinion it definitely communicates a feeling of electronic dance music. To make it better I would probably add more fonts and possibly more song lyrics. This has helped me a lot because when I make my magazine I am definitely going to look back at my mood board and take lots of inspiration from it because I think it fits extremely well with the genre.

As you can see in the first slide above I did some research on a famous EDM artist. I did this to show that artists have to be ordinary yet extraordinary at the same time as well so that they can appear likeable to their audience. They do many things that lots of people would consider every day tasks but they also experience things that most people will never. For example he participates in normal activities like walking, he cares about his family and supports charity’s. However he’s also performing in front of crowds of thousands of people, lives in a massive mansion and often walks red carpets. The factors that I have included in my first slide clearly show that they live both ordinary and extraordinary lives.

In the second slide I showed how I would want my model star to look when the audience is reading my magazine. I would like them to appear very glamorous and important. I also want it to look like they are partying and that they have extremely out there style and makeup looks. I also want to give off the impression that they are not going to be held back by anything and that they are going to stand up for what they believe in, I want them to be the centre of attention. I want my front cover star to stand out amongst other magazine and attract the correct target market.

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