Branding Ideas And Mission Statement

Today we officially started work on our music magazine! First we were set with the task of deciding what genre we were going to pick. I decided to pick EDM. This is because I have never really listened to that genre so I thought it would be interesting to work on something new and I thought it would be a good opportunity to play with bright colours and interesting fonts. I have also noticed that there aren’t many female EDM artists and lots of the music is not often targeted towards females therefore I thought my magazine could be. It could also be a good unique selling point for my magazine. Our second task was to develop possible names for our magazine. I came up with a few but eventually decided on Electra. I chose this because it is similar to the word electric and the name Electra is also the name of a Goddess who was known for being quite strong and powerful so the name is then targeting listeners and empowering women.

Above is an image of the world cloud I made. I made this word cloud to help grasp an idea of what I wanted my magazine to include and look like. I’m really happy I did this because I now know what different sections I am going to include in my magazine and what colour scheme and other things I will consider when creating it. I considered the four uses and gratifications theorised by Blumer and Katz which are entertainment, education, social interaction and personal identity. This helped me to create a picture in my mind of what would be best for my target audience.

Mission Statement – Electra brings strong, powerful women together to honour emerging talent and amazing EDM music in a world where the scene is heavily populated by male artists and audiences. We want to empower women to become new creators and listeners and most importantly, we want to party! Elektra is quickly becoming one of the worlds most famous electric dance music magazines because of the sheer amount of inside scoops on the latest festivals and our one to one tutorials on how to learn the skills to becoming a great DJ. We hope you join us in becoming the next generation of amazing female EDM artists.

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