Masthead Design

Mastheads are an extremely important part of a front cover. This is because it allows the brand of the magazine to be recognized and remembered. It is also one of the first things that your audience sees when looking at a magazine and can or can not leading to someone wanting to read on and buy it. Below are some mastheads that I created for my chosen genre (EDM). As you can see throughout my designs I used quite bright colours which supports my theme because electronic dance music is known for using neon lights and bright clothing and makeup. When creating my mastheads I worked with different fonts, type faces, strobe, vertical scale and horizontal scale.

My favourite masthead is the one I created at the top. I like it because it is big, bold and quite out there. In my opinion I think it meets AIDA. It is quite attractive because of the colour used; it also interests the reader because the font is quite striking and vibrant which will hopefully lead to them wanting/desiring my magazine. I really like that I moved some letters closer together and tilted some because it makes it more exciting and I like the blue around the edge because it makes the masthead look quite static and electric which definitely fits with my genre. Doing this task has helped me a lot because it has definitely allowed me to improve my indesign skills and has taught me about lots of different conventions and fonts.

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