Star Image – The Performer

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In this task we decided to create a mood board of our chosen artists star image. We wanted to show how he is very different from the average person and why people look up to him as a star but also how deep down he has the same thoughts and feelings as normal people which is why he attracts so many fans and a large audience.

After researching The Weeknd’s meta narrative it is clear, that he in his music he wants to come across as quite dark, grungy and slightly creepy. He shows this trough the dark or red LED lights that he has used in multiple music videos, shoots and performances. He also often uses prosthetics and blood in his music videos and public appearances. As you can see in his album cover he is bleeding from the mouth and he is covered in prosthetics and bandages at an award show. However it is clear that he also cares very much about his fanbase and people who need support around him. He is very well known for donating large sums of money to charities which makes him seam very down to earth. In addition fans are able to relate him because he often talks in interviews and at award shows about his struggles growing up in poverty, being kicked out and dropping out of high school at a young age.

In our music video we will be dressing our model in quite dark clothes and we want him to be wearing chains similar o The Weeknd. We also want our artist to use very dead pan expressions to create a grungy and dark feel like The Weeknd connotes. In addition we will also be shooting the performance section of our music video in quite creepy places like an abandoned German bunker and outside of an abandoned shed which is covered in spray paint.

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