DP Mocckup

This is the mockup of the digipak that I made after researching the typical conventions of the hip hop and R&B genre. Within this mockup my focus was to design an album that was instantly recognizable as rap or R&B whilst being unique and standing out to a large audience.  I also considered typical conventions of all digipaks, star image and the brand package.

Firstly, I decided that I wanted my artist to be photographed in dark, mysterious lighting using a thin blue plastic sheet to colour the artist and the background. I decided to do this because I have seen this done by many other artists using different colours and it is very modern and trendy. It also links in with the name of my album.

Secondly, I knew that I wanted my artist to be sitting down whether that be on a table or chair because then the focus can be on the artists face which I believe allows the audience to connect with the artist.

I decided to put an empty table with rubbish on it on the back cover. This is because I wanted the covers to look similar so that the album wasn’t to busy but I also wanted to create a grungy and dark theme at the same time which I think the blue light and and rubbish do.

However, even though I really like my initial design I will not be able to execute it because covid has made it extremely hard for me to use my model in my chosen venue. Therefore, instead I will be shooting my digipak in school using the darkroom. Although this is quite a drastic difference I will still be using some elements from the initial plan. These include the blue lighting, the use of a table or chair and I will be using the same costume as planned.

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