Social Media Page Draft 2

For my second draft of my social media page I have tried to keep the blue theme throughout. However it is clear that it needs quite a lot of improvements. For example I have not added added any highlights yet. For my highlights I want to create a section on charities that my artist supports, concerts that my artist is going to and performing at and highlights of his normal life. I also want to add some guerilla marketing in the form of a chicken shop date and I need to add more links to posts. Finally, it is important that I consider entertainment, information, social interaction and personal idenity to really fulfil my artists needs and wants.

My Favourite Post

Click on image to access social media page

This is my favourite post because it is a great form of marketing on my social media page because it includes the streaming platform on it and it describes my artist’s genre and in the description I have also added links. It also follows the blue theme that I have used throughout my page.

Teacher’s Feedback 

Target’s For My Final Draft

    • I need to change the dates on the tour poster
    • I need to add the music video
    • I need to add the back cover of my album
    • I need to add more cross media convergence
    • Add more behind the scenes to make my artist look more ordinary
    • I need to add more calls to action
    • I need to add more synergy wether that be a brand deal or collaboration with another artist.

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