A front cover analysed

To further our knowledge on how magazine covers use design elements to bring in the target audience and portray ideas we completed a textual analysis of a magazine cover. Magazines use psychographics and demographics of the target audience in order to attract the audience in. This is through the use of colour, images, languages, and fonts, for example in the magazine I analysed above the demographics of the audience of Mojo magazine are generally male age 30 and over. Therefore the magazine cover includes design elements that appeal to men aged 30 and over, such as bold and straightforward text and limited colour palette. To add to this the magazine cover also supports the psychographics, this is achieved through the use of design features such as plugs, pugs, captions and cover stars.

Overall when it comes to making my own magazine cover it is essential for me to have a clear outline of my target audience and the psychographics and demographics, this is so that I use the correct design features to attract inĀ  the audience which will maximize sales.

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