Design skills 1

During my time so far in media I have developed many skills, one major skill I have developed is my design skills. I have developed these skills through the use of applications such as  indesign and photoshop. I think I have done well at developing my skills however I need to remember to be patient and make my front cover star appear as natural as possible.

I began by first developing my design skills in photoshop, this was to perfect the image for my front cover of my main cover star and make him stand out. The first design skill I learnt was how to use the blur tool, the blur tool can be found on the tool bar which is on the right hand side. The blur tool button is shaped as a teardrop and once you click on the icon it is the first tab. I used the blur tool in order to clear some blemishes which appeared on my main cover stars chin, in order to blur it as precisely as I could I zoomed in closely. Blurring these imperfections helped to minimize distractions on his face and helped to make him appear even better.

Image result for blur tool photoshop icon

Another skill I developed in photoshop was painting, due to my models hair being curly and very impossible to cut out naturally I had to paint the background behind him. This worked really well and I am proud in how it turned out. I managed to do this by clicking on the paint tool which is the paint icon seen 8 icons down. I used the colour palette to create the colour I wanted as my background and began painting, to ensure I was painting around my main cover star correctly I adjusted the size of the brush. I also used the eraser tool if I accidentally painted onto my model. 


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