So… How can an image communicate meaning?

There are many different aspects to think about when creating media, a lot more than you think.

I have learnt many things over the past couple of weeks, including how to use a DSLR and the techniques of how to take an effective photo; adding Mise-en-scene into work to create successful media; making sure your media fits the target audience; and how to make media appealing to the consumers.

Mise-en-scene is the placement and arrangement of things in the photo, to create a story through only visible aspects within a picture. One way to remember the features of Mise-en-scene is “CLAMPS” to take a successful image:

  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Acting
  • Makeup/hair
  • Props
  • Setting

When using aspects of the camera to tell a story you need to think about the focus, angle and distance of your image, this will help your media to progress. When making my own music magazine I will remember each aspect to successfully create a magazine that is interesting and entertaining for my target audience. Both Mise-en-scene and photography work well together to create meaningful media, for example normally a low angle of a character indicates power, but if its a low shot of a sad child this would not represent control. This is why it’s important for the photography to link with the Mise-en-scene to work successfully.

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