Masthead Designs – Indesign Tutorials – how to add fonts


Now you know what your magazine is going to be called (you should have decided this for your Mission Statement), you need to have some fun designing some mastheads.

  • Use the inspiration from the fonts you have included in your moodboard and design about 5 on one Indesign A4 template – make a note of the fonts, size that you use alongside it.
  • Focus on weight, size, height, boldness etc and add some effects from the FX button.
  • We can import fonts from dafont – but you need to create a DAFONT folder in your D Drive so that the IT technicians can then install them.
  • However, you can also take them into photoshop and manipulate them in there. However, this won’t be great for copy, captions as it will take too long but should be fine for the masthead.
  • Remember, bold and conventional font for the genre of the music and one that is also eye catching.
  • Choose one final design and include it on its own A4 template in Indesign and position and size it accordingly.


Because we are not allowed to install the fonts, make a folder in the D drive of any that you really want and download from dafont.  We will then get them all unlocked in one go when the IT technicans can come down.

In the meantime, make sure you play with can change the shape of letters, add block colour, change the kerning, add chevrons etc


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