draft 1

The United States, the home of Indie and RnB music culture; hosting the world’s most renowned and successful band, ‘Old Shoes’. The band originated in Nevada, United States; the girls are only aged 19 – a young age to be successful as a world known band! Two girls, Chemmy and Bails, who are from the triumphant group share their life as a whole working within the music business and performing on such prominent stages worldwide. 

      In sorrow, the girls have caught the attention of their many fans as a result of leaving their band, ‘Old Shoes’. 

During a recent meeting, I spoke to the girls in a one-to-one interview, where we found out in real detail what actually happened and why the girls felt they needed to leave the most successful band located in the United States – the home of Indie and RnB music culture. 

      Chemmy and Bails took part in a recent recording which took place at the bands recording studio in Nevada. I was there in the studio when the recording took place and the vocals the girls produced were incredible, almost effortless – the girls have such talent and I cannot wait to pursue their career with them and follow their journey every step of the way.

      Following the recent recording, I spoke to the Chemmy and Bails about their decision to leave such a lucrative band. The girls felt as though it was best for them to leave the girl band because it was physically and mentally affecting Chemmy and Bails significantly due to posts travelling through social media. 

      The split took a toll on the girls in such a negative way they took themselves away from social media completely; deleting apps and reducing the amount of social interaction. Paparazzi bombarded the girls on multiple occasions since leaving the band, the girls were mortified. In addition, the girls felt as though they should leave the country and remove themselves from such a negative environment. I will update all of you on future plans for the group and how the girls are getting on post leaving the girl band.



Below is what I wrote in response to my teachers reflection of my Draft Feature Article for my Double Page Spread in my music magazine.

draft 2

The United States, the home of Indie and R&B music culture, is laying claim to having nurtured the world’s most renowned and successful band, ‘Old Shoes’. The band originated in Nevada, and the girls are all only aged 19 – a young age to be successful as a world famous outfit. However, it was recently announced that two of the band members, Chemmy and Bails, have decided to break away from the mothership.  In this month’s edition of Quill, they share their life stories, and in particular, how they have coped with  working within the music business and performing on some of the most prominent stages worldwide. 

 Quill met up with Chemmy and Bails as they took part in a recent recording session  where it was clear the vocals the girls were producing would be able to match those of Old Shoes.  The duo have such talent and Quill cannot wait to follow their career and  their journey with them every step of the way.

In our conversation it was clear that the  girls felt as though it was best for them to leave the girl band because it was physically and mentally affecting Chemmy and Bails significantly due to constant negative trolling on social media. The split meant that they  took themselves away from social media completely; deleting apps and reducing the amount of social interaction. In spite of this the physical paparazzi have bombarded the girls on multiple occasions since leaving the band, leaving them  mortified and exhausted by the backlash. 

They went on to tell me that…..

Having felt that fleeing the country would be allowing the trolls to win, they are remaining strong in their determination to carry on with their duet, which Quill can exclusively reveal is called ‘Revealing All’.

Make sure you buy next month’s edition of Quill where you will be able to be updated on their future plans for the group and how the girls are getting on post leaving the girl band.

 Written by Millie Sutton


Here is my voice recording of my Feature Article for my magazine: