Firstly, I chose this advert for numerous reasons; Bon Iver is an incredibly popular and successful music artist; this allows Bon Iver to sit comfortably in the Indie genre which corresponds well to my demographic. Using such a well known musician will help my target audience embrace the artists star image, which will create an easy way to interact and understand my chosen genre. In addition, I love the vintage feel the vinal gives gives off to my audience. It is important to include an advert in my magazine which promulgates a new album. Hopefully, by including an advert, it will encourage my target audience to indulge deeper into the my genre and the music the genre represents.


Secondly, I chose this advert as a result of Oasis being such a popular, well known and successful Indie band. The idea of Indie is represented well through Oasis’ music and will entice my target audience. The captions from this advert resemble well to my own demographic I have designed; it also creates an easy way to understand and interact with my chosen genre of Indie.