This task has allowed me to broaden my knowledge of technical conventions situated within a Social Media Page. With this research, I am now able to apply what I have learnt when it comes to creating my own social media page using my awareness of my target audience, ways of advertising and promoting my artist, enhancing my social media platform and including a marketing campaign within my final social media page which will be based on my artist, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers.


Before the production of my SMP began, it was essential for me to create a timeline of what my SMP would consist of, including when and what we wanted to post. Therefore, this guideline will assist me in providing the best possible SMP fit for my target audience. The timeline has to include posts that inform yet entertain the audience and with this, I need to take into consideration, the various media technicalities such as AIDA – this is a useful and efficient way to attract and allow the audience to engage with the SMP.  Since researching the consistency of a SMP, I have been able to broaden my knowledge of what to include, for example, Promotional Advertisement, Charity influencing, teasers on the exciting  new things the audience can look forward too and tour dates of future and upcoming events. By including all of these specific tools in my SMP, it will create posts that can provide the audience with social interactions and informative material. The personal identity of the star will be portrayed positively throughout creating a personal connection with his audience.

With the plan of my timeline and marketing strategy, I have chosen 4 ideas that will be used to allow me to engage with my target audience and promote the release of my music video and digipak. My list consists of a campaign, competition, collaboration and a BBC Radio 1 (live lounge). I have provided a detailed list below:

Campaign – inspired by Little Mix campaign

  • Max’s album / music video is a great way to provide a teaser into what is expected of his creative work in the music scene; followed by tour dates of when he is expected to be showing off his work.
  • The impact this will have on Max’s audience is significant as it will expand his fan base through engagement and empowering the audience to connect with him through his tours and concerts.

Competition – inspired by Phoebe Bridger’s campaign

  • Max will sign a selected amount of his albums, 20 in total, which will be distributed world wide at random rates. The individual (s) who are lucky enough to be welcomed by one of Max’s signed covers will be given the opportunity to  meet with Max one-on-one at his place of living; food and drink provided free of charge.
  • A rare and one in a lifetime competition like this will be extremely sought after, and the target audience will be encouraged to purchase his album with luck of winning the prize and there will be an increased excitement between the star and his consumers.

Collaboration – inspired by Coldplay’s campaign

  • With Max’s debut album edging even closer to release date, it was time to commemorate such a success. The star will be teaming up with 40AD records to create a website in which develops a campaign for the targeted fan base in the UK. The fans are invited to log into the website and stream the campaign playlist on Spotify.
  • Spotify streams will increase significantly, resulting in Max’s name being put onto the map at a higher status. This campaign encourages the audience to listen and stream music which reflected the brightening of that section on the map.
  • Following on from this, an engagement strategy will be used as a chance to win a selecting of Max’s merchandise upon providing their contact details helping garner a new database of fan information which is sure to come in handy in future campaigns.

BBC Radio 1 – inspired by Georgia’s campaign

  • This sort of cross media convergence is a great way to promote the star and his music at a very quick rate. There are many listeners across the country that tune in to BBC Radio 1 so this is a great opportunity to allow the star to publicize himself and show off his personal identity. This will allow the audience to engage and ultimately create a fan base for the up-coming star.
  • ‘Max’s Confessions’ through BBC Radio 1, allows his audience to connect with him on a personal level, listening into how he feels sets an example to those working on and within the music scene. Audience engagement will dramatically increase if the show goes well.