Pitch + Feedback

Below is our group pitch slideshow and video presentation of this to our teacher, exploring our initial ideas for the project;

From this presentation we received feedback on our ideas and decided on six positive points and target areas at this stage;


  • It’s good that we have a clear idea of a distinct narrative and have knowledge of the subject area/theme
  • We have decided on a reliable actor/performer for our shoot already who is prepared to work with us
  • There are lots of ideas concerning props, motifs and references to include to build a strong mise en scene
  • The song itself is by a small, independent artist who we found online, and doesn’t have any existing official music video so this leaves us unbiased and with much room for interpretation when creating our own
  • The story-oriented lyrics allow for us to make a good and well structured narrative visually
  • Each member of the group can offer their own skills in different areas to allow us to work well together, with Luke’s skills in cinematography, Alex’s eye for details and clear ideas and my previous experience with video editing

Targets, Areas to Work On

  • We need to make sure we can maintain motivation and focus for the project as much as possible, as we can all be easily distracted and demotivated
  • We need to make sure we can clearly convey, document and make notes on our ideas in order to achieve them to the best of our ability
  • It is important for us to make sure we distribute tasks evenly, whilst we all have our speciality ares we need to allow other group members to work in these areas too in order to develop their own skills
  • Someone needs to be able to take initiative at times, and make sure everyone is contributing well throughout the project, we need to be able to critique each others work in order to produce the best final product
  • Whilst we have lots of ideas we need to make sure these are achievable and also understandable to an outside audience so as to not make our project too overambitious in our creation of it or risk making it incoherent and inaccessible to viewers
  • We need to organise ourselves and have a good idea of what we need and when, it’s good to have ideas but they mean nothing if we can’t execute them well

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