Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

On our second shoot, we revisited the Bowling alley and went into town to take more footage:

  • We explored further around the bowling alley and found a graffiti wall which was perfect for our narrative where the star is distressed and confused.
  • We also shot footage in the paths in the area to add a nature theme to our video, for example shooting grass and the sky to fill in spaces where there was no singing to lip-sync in the video.
  • Next we went into town where we used the rainbow steps to take some more seemingly candid shots of our model being happy and carefree, in addition to the steps we visited a colorful and positive graffiti wall which was really good as the brightness and happy vibe of the wall added another level of positive energy to the shoot.

However, there were some things we need to take into account for our next shoot:

  • We did’t get enough footage so we will have to take more lip-syncing videos in the future so that we have enough footage.
  • We took some really good videos of nature but on our phones and so when we uploaded them to edit the scale was wrong which takes a lot of time to edit into the correct frame.
  • We didn’t take as many narrative shots as we could have meaning there are many gaps still in the video.

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