Category Archives: Creative Critical Reflection 1

Question 3: How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

The Media Podcast made by Alex and Jack

For this task, me and my partner worked together to create a podcast style answer to “How did your production skills develop throughout this project?”

To begin the podcast we made sure to introduce ourselves and our podcast to the audience, we clearly announced each category and speak clearly all the way through,  and ended with a small outro. For this task we aimed for it to be 6 or more minutes long , also we colour coded the script so that it would be easier to read when recording the podcast.

To record our voice we used the app ‘Voice memos’ on my iPhone, we made sure to hold the phones microphone closely to our mouths to make sure we were loud and easily heard by our audience. We exported the voice recording straight from my phone to my google drive then from their to the blog.

4 Key Concepts Of Media

The 4 key elements in media is Audience, Representation, Industry and Language. The media has now became an element in every persons life whether they realize it or not, things like reading the newspaper, watching the news, browsing through your phone on social media.


It is important for me to understand my audience and their interests so that I can provide them with the information and media that they are interested in, this is crucial for me and my magazine that I provide them with the necessary media they enjoy, this keeps them interested in my magazine and helps to keep my audience satisfied.


Representation gives the purpose of the media, all media has ideas and connotations that it wants you to perceive. I need to consider what values, attitudes and beliefs I want to communicate about my star and their music. I must consider how my media is viewed and thought about.


I need to know how my magazine would make money and how it might be distributed to my audience. Industry is what makes the media, lots of people use the big social media platform, without the platforms there would be little to no media. To make my magazine I will need to think like the big social media companies and create a stand out cover.


I need to think about the different codes and conventions which communicate meaning in print media. Media language includes positioning, facial expressions, colour’s, camera angles and backgrounds. These factors are crucial in media as without them the storyline can be completely changed.