Category Archives: Preliminary Print Tasks

My image that uses mise-en-scene to communicate meaning.


Made with Padlet




In reflection I have recognised the importance of attracting your target audience by understanding there interests and the things that they look for. For example the use of bright colours are commonly used in the pop genre, this is because they’re trying to please their target audience and supply them with their desires.

Whilst giving my model their outfit I carefully picked out what I think the audience of pop would like to see and what a pop artist would wear.

My Tour Poster


In reflection I have found it challenging but useful to create my own tour poster, it gives me more insight on the features on InDesign and Photoshop also I feel as if I have improved and widened my range of skills and knowledge on these software.

Whilst creating my tour poster I have learned how to cut out someone and remove any of the green screen on photoshop. I have used some of the fx on InDesign and learnt how to use these fx affectively


Here is a slide show that gave me inspiration and ideas to create my own tour posters by looking at popular artists and their tour posters.

Magazine Sweede


In reflection I have concluded that learning how to use a new software program is difficult, as there are many things that I need to learn about and to use in my work, there were many skills that I had to learn, there were many things that were important for making a magazine and I found it difficult to locate them. To help me learn I could look at a few YouTube videos and I recommend the videos linked to help learn the basics of designing a magazine cover. Whilst designing my cover I found a few useful features to use on InDesign, I used some fx like drop shadow on some of my text, also using Fill I was able to change the colour of my text or even the colour of the text box, I used fill in the title as I added some colour in some of the letters which may be useful to make your cover look better.

Camera Talks

Camera Talks by Alex Mourant


In reflection, I have recognized that it is crucial to get the right picture, as you might use camera as a form of media language to convey a narrative. It is also important to utilize the different angles as they display the feelings of the character, for example a low shot commonly presents someone with power as they may be looking down on somebody else. The range is also an important factor in showing a characters feelings, an extreme long shot may present them as being lonely and sad.