Feedback on Rough Cut

After having made our rough cut, we asked different people to give us some feedback on how we could improve our music video. Below you can read some of the feedback we received on our YouTube videos comments section.

Feedback 1



Feedback 2



Feedback 3



Luke feeds















From reading these comments, the main targets from our peers include:

  • Steady some of the movement shots through post production.
  • Possibly film a few more shots in the performance for variety, especially close up shots. Perhaps if we get the chance to do this, try and get the performers to sing more convincingly.
  • Sync the performance aspect of the video better to fit the music.
  • There are some continuity errors, such as the steady cam in shot, so we will have to remove this footage.
  • The still shots from the performance don’t work very well in during the chorus.
  • Have more shots ‘running’ into each other, and overlapping, to create the feeling of urgency within the video.

I think that we need to improve our music video through:

  • Finishing importing the rest of the footage into our video.
  • Colour correction, as we want to have a a much richer colour from the forest area, warmer to reflect the soulful sound of their voices.
  • Use more movement in post production, like we have done in the shot of the two of them. Also including more rapid edits like in the pre-chorus, I love how this fits with the music.

After having reflected on our music video so far, I can see some of the errors to change, and how to go about improving our video. I feel this was really useful to do as we go back to post production with a clear mind about what we can do that will accentuate the positive aspects of our video.
