Music Video Ideas – Synesthesia

I have started to think about the type of music video I wish to create, and to do this I have really thought about the feel of the song. I have thought about synesthesia and generating ideas though seeing the sounds in my head. So I found some songs that I  like and thought about the kind of video I wanted to create;

Just Right – Tessa Violet

This song is very upbeat and catchy. Its definitely got a very colorful, bouncy feel about it. The singer portrays herself a heavily infatuated girl, and with this comes a very cutesy, happy video.

I Do Adore – Mindy Gledhill

Very similar song, although I feel as though this suits a pastel tone better. I can see this fitting different locations, both by the sea, and a field setting.

Life Is Rosy – Jess Penner

This song has more of a beat to the others, still would be similar in respects to the performance style. However, I feel as though I would include a lot more angles when filming and edit it replicate the beat.

Runnin’ (Lose It All) – Naughty Boy ft. Beyonce, Arrow Benjamin

This is a quite a different song to the others, its genre is slightly different, with more of an R&B feeling. I really like this song, and I think the build ups to the chorus would be really interesting to edit with the fast beat.

Most of these songs have a very similar feel to them, so they’re all very upbeat; sweet and innocent songs, and this was something I thought I could easily reflect in a video. Below you can see a mood board for these ideas;

Follow Amber’s board Music Video Moodboard on Pinterest.

The last song has quite a different feeling and I have created another mood board demonstrating my ideas for the other song which you can see below;


The Perfect Production Group

We were put into our production groups and so started to think about how we would be successful as a group. Initially we came up with some of the skills we would need to create this music video and then some of the conflicts that we may have. Being aware of these conflicts, we can now think about the ways in which we would resolve them.

After this we created a poster of the perfect production group, we labeled the skills that we considered before on the various roles within the group. Below you can see our idea of the perfect production group;

Production Group