Test Shoots

Final Test Shoot Video

In order to get experience of filming and editing for our real music video we did a test shoot for about 30 seconds of our chosen song (the chorus). We used a student we thought would match the star image well to lip sync, used a variety of shots, edited it and used a range of transitions.

What Went Well:

  • We used a model who matched the look of the star image.
  • We used the basic close up and mid shots to get a clear video of the lip syncing.
  • There were a few transitions worked into the final edit.
  • We used picture editing tools to add more saturation to the video and used the sharpen tool to make the video more clear.

What Needs to be Improved:

  • Use a bigger variety of shots and we only had standstill shots – more moving shots e.g dolly, pan, ped.
  • Use paradox of the star better (Richard Dyer).
  • Interpret mise-en-scene into the video more. Costumes, props etc.
  • Use more transitions – we did not use enough transitions and the video started to get boring to the audience.

Overall by doing a test lip sync shoot it has allowed me to learn the skills I need to make the final music the best it can be. I now know I need to use paradox of the star more in order to attract the audience to the star more by representing them as extraordinary and ordinary. I also know I need to edit to the beat more so that the video is easy to watch and doesn’t come across as awkward or messy.

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