Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

For our second shoot which was mainly narrative based we decided to go to Plienmont at night and use the fields and bunker as we thought it fit the narrative theme/story well.

What Went Well:

  • The location of where we chose to shoot was a good match for the genre of the song and also the aesthetic of our music video narrative. By choosing a good location this allowed us to get good shots done quickly and efficiently as it helped our model get into character and match the feelings of how the artist is feeling in that particular time.
  • Similar to our last shoot, we spent a lot of time on making sure the mise-en-scene was perfect before shooting to achieve the perfect star image.
  • Our group was organised which allowed us to get the shoot done without any complications.
  • Unlike our first shoot we didn’t just stay in the same place we moved around to different places at our chosen location helping add more variety to our shots.

Targets For Improvement:

  • We only got a small amount of narrative footage and instead got more performance so for our next shoot we should focus more on getting the narrative footage.
  • Have a better plan of what shots we are wanting e.g mid shot, close up, tracking shot. This would allow us to not rush.
  • Use a wider range of outfits to get a bigger variety of shots.

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