Music Video Draft 3

This is our third draft for our music video. We have used footage fromĀ  all of our shoots especially our newest shoot (shoot 3). For the location we went to Tabs house to use her bedroom. We aimed to get enough good footage to create a third draft that we could start to try to do more effects and better editing in order to be able to just clean up certain parts for out final draft.

After doing our draft 3 we emailed our music video to other media students in order to get feedback about what was good about our music video and what improvements we can make.

Positive Feedback From Peers:

  • Good range of shots
  • Good use of mise-en scene – costume, hair and make up, props
  • The makeup and costume really fit the vibe and location
  • Good range of shots making use of closeups, longshots and midshots
  • The use of coloured lighting really adds to the atmosphere and helps the shots to pop
  • Mise-en-scene is good
  • Pace of edit is good

Improvements Suggested From Peers:

  • Black bit at the start – not meant to be there
  • There are a few cuts between shots which are slightly not on the beat
  • In the shot where she’s stood against the wall with the flashing lights, there are a few bits where the singing is out of sync
  • Some of the shots and zooms are a bit wobbly
  • Try and edit the clips at the beginning so the lip syncing is in time with the song
  • The LED shoots try and adjust the brightness as it is currently quite dark
  • More angles, lots are straight, maybe some side/low/high angle

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