Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

In order to have a good brand established for our Artist we created a marketing strategy and mission statement to help promote our artist. This digipak is not meant to represent the music video but instead is to promote and represent the artist and create an integrated advertising campaign. Below is a slideshow showing the marketing strategy for our artist and digipak; it includes our mission statement, USP, call to action and our competition.

This was extremely helpful as we now know our audience and artist. The audience are around the ages 14-25 and the artists persona in a nutshell is soft and angelic with mixes of melancholy. Our star is also both ordinary and extraordinary, relating to the Dyer Star theory of the paradox of the star where the star has two contradictory representations. By having this ordinary and extrordinary representation of the star it helps the audience relate to the star but also idolize them.

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