Final Lip Sync

This is the final edit of our Lip Sync.

This is our test lip sync. We filmed this over two days and it took two lessons to edit it.  This helps us get some practice in and understand how to film the star in a music video,  using a variety of shots and transitions including cut to close ups and transitions, typically dissolves to show a pass in time and space.  We created a montage that made the star look extraordinary and ordinary, creating the Paradox Of The Star, the hteory created by Richard Dyer.  We edited to the beat and tried to make the star image look good but as I was in my shcool uniform I don’t think we did this very well. This will help us when we film our performance as we will know what to film and what the important shots are when we film.  We forgot to cut to close up in the main part of video which hindered the coverage and impact it has.


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