All posts by brandonbaskerville

Double Page Spread-Draft One

This is the first draft of my double page spread for my music magazine. I will use this to get feedback and create targets to help me improve future drafts.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

My Targets

  1. masthead across the fold
  2. quote placement
  3. Image continuity
  4. strange column alignment
  5. drop capital
  6. byline/photo byline
  7. page numbers
  8. too many fonts in the masthead.

Second Shoot Contact Sheets

These are my complete Contact Sheets for the second shoot, which was at Castle Cornet.  I think that the shoot went really well, the location of a castle really added to the narrative I was trying to construct with the mise-en-scene of my Model. Who was a prisoner.  I think the castle aesthetic worked really well because it creates intrigue because of how out of place my model looked against the grey stone walls.  The weather was very wet and cold which, even though, it wasn’t that nice to actually shoot in that weather, it helped reinforce the grey-ness and the s=contrast between the bright orange jump suit compared to the castle. Unfortunately there  were a few props which I couldn’t get and there was a part of the castle that I particularly wanted to shoot in but it was locked off by some construction.




These are two photos that I particularly like because they show the narrative that I’m trying to create. That the artist feels  trapped and alone in their industry and feel like there’s no way to escape. The location and the lighting is also quite good as it enforces the narrative even further and creates attention to the artist.


Production Meeting Agenda for 1st Photo Shoot

I want to create a sense of realism, as in the artist is real and is relatable in the sense of struggling and having hard times in life. This is what drives the artists I was basing my model off. I am going to ask my model to, instead of acting all flashy and showing off I want the model to be sitting down or standing in a way to show that he understands whatever the reader might be going through

First Shoot Contact Sheets

These are my photos from my first photoshoot that I used for my front cover. I think it captures my Genre well, and the mise-en-scene fits well with the genre too. In particular I like the Photos that have my model holding the record the most as I feel like they show the difference between the original records compared to the mise-en-scene I am creating.

These photos will work well for my star image as they show the genre I am creating a magazine for very well. I took some photos with the glasses and some without to create diversity and it also splits the ordinary feel from the extraordinary in a way.

Brand Moodboard & Star Image

Below is my main mood-board. I will use it for inspiration when I am creating my magazine.

Below is my research on the music artist Tyler Joseph, the singer of the musical duo Twenty One Pilots.



This is an example of my star image.


The mood-board and the research into my star image will help me show the conventions of my genre when I need inspiration.  They also give me an idea on the brand I am trying to create and the connotations and the audience expectations that I need to represent the denotations of my genre.

I am happy with my mood-board as it shows the similarity and the differences in the genre I have chosen. The messages and meanings of the songs can be similar but the different bands have very different mise-en scene and brands.

The Star Image research is helpful because it showed me the difference between how artists will present themselves as ordinary or extraordinary and how they want their metanarrative to be shown.  The different ways of how a star is shown is called the paradox of the star.

This will help me create my music magazine to a standard that I will be happy with and that my target market would be interested in buying and reading. Also having a Mood-board will really help me with inspiration when I get stuck in the future.

Masthead designs

These are my masthead designs for the brand and the front page of my music magazine.  I started with the top design and ended up with the forth design of which I am very happy with.  I wanted to make something that would attract an audience and interest them. I needed it to be big but also look interesting, it also needed to have the correct conventions for the genre: Alternative Rap.


The first design I liked but I thought that it may be too busy for the reader. I toned down the font and changed the colours to create the second one, I Liked the look of the simpler font and the improved colour palette. The line cutting through the word looked good as I though it created a different look other than the standard look. I changed the colours again to a warmer yellow for the third one and then I created a more interesting backdrop for the forth instead of a regular, boring black square. I used my brand mood-board to give me inspiration to make something that would attract, interest create desire and action specifically for my chosen genre.