Category Archives: Component 3

Music Draft 3

This is our third draft of our music video, when we completed this we had to get it peer assessed by some other students. Their feedback is summerized below.

Peer Review Pros and Cons Summerized


  • We had a good setting for our shoot.
  • the opening shot is creative and unique
  • the bus stop shot is a good tracking shot
  • good range of angles and different shots
  • authentic performance
  • the narrative is clear


  • Fill black slates, narrative needs conclusion
  • lip syncing could be better
  • variation in MES
  • dont really need the sot of the xbox
  • some of the shots were quite shaky, try fixing it in post or re shooting them


Specsavers Feedback

Some people from the Media Department of Specsavers came into school ot reveiw our music videos  and offer feedback to us and answer any questions we had.

Feedback on our Music Video from Specsavers.

  • We asked about digital transitions but he advised that we try our best to create physical transitions with our camera and subjects when we shoot.
  • He suggested that we lear how to use a dolly or other camera equipment to help us get interesting moving shots.
  • He told us to ‘lock white balance’ on our camera which will help us find a good colour to colour correct our video.
  • We should space out our shots more to craete a better flow to the video.
  • He said that we should get more close ups and long shots on our next shoot.

Teacher Feedback – Screencastify

This is feedback for our Draft 2.

Summerized Feedback

  • Group together shots. (e.g bus shots, bedroom shots)
  • Introduce Brandon ealier
  • Sort out continuity of Ben wearing galsses and then not.
  • Sort out continuity of the different outfits in bus stop shots.


We need to rearrage the develpoment of the story/narrative elements. We need to look for clips that will create more continuity wityh ben and his glasses and we need to rearrage the bus stop part to make it connect with the original concept more.



Music video draft 2

quality is off, editing to the beat. random cuts has me in the background

Self Assessment.

The quality hs been compressed by youtube which is quite annoying. Some parts cut on the beat but other parts don’t which means I need to add some better continuity in terms of editing. The shots of the bus stop have me reflected in the mirror which is a result of our bad planning.

How to Improve.

Edit to beat more and make sure that you keep editing to the beat to keep the editing in continuity.  Make sure we plan our shoots better so I don’t appear in them.

Narrative Develpoment

This is the sheet for narrative develpoment for our narrative.

It details all the ideas and things needed to film our narrative. It tells us the themes and characters and structure that we need to know to film the video.  This helped us plan the conflict, resolution, equilibrium and the disruption.  This will help us film the narrative in a thematic linear style.


Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)

For our Narrative shoot We decidied to film the first part of the narrative and do the secodn part later. This meant we needed to film our star (Ben Grut) being sad and alone in everyday life. To achieve this we filmed at a bus stop and at my house. To show the passing of time we filmed each thing four times each in a different outfit. This will allow us to cut between the different outfits and show the passing of time.

What went well

  • We managed to get a good mix of shots
  • We got all the shots we needed
  • We have a good way to show the passing of time

What we need to do next time

  • In some of the shots you can see me in the reflection of the bus shelter so we neeed to make sure htat doesn’t happen in the future
  • We could have done a couple more shots