Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

Unfortunately I was very unwell at the date of this first shoot so I couldn’t attend the filming part of this performance however I have thoroughly gone over with the rest of my group of how it went and where else we next and we could improve. Throughout I will be reflecting as a third party stand point.

The shoot took place at the College of FE Delancey Campus in one of the classroom to further follow our narrative, this was also a good area to film due to the lighting, this is because there is not much natural light in the area that our performer was filmed in, this means that we can film at different times on different days without the lightning being completely contrasting in the shots.  The overall consensus that I got from this shoot is that overall it went well and both of the other members from my group made decisions on the different angles and taking turns taking the shots that we got, the only issue they expressed was that the performer was rusty on the lyrics which meant that they had to show him the lyrics during breaks in the shoots. So overall a successful shoot.

The targets that were gathered by this shoot is that we need more variety in different angles and shots as when it comes to editing it will all look very similar and we need more variety, we also need different locations to make the overall music video more interesting.




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