A New Improved Front Page

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This is my new and current front cover for my magazine.

Will set me some improvements on my first draft to improve, the one I have picked is ‘Put more information/words on the front page.’ I feel I have achieved my goal as I have also added a lot I did not have in my front cover on the first draft. I think seeing a exclusive rap magazine will lure some rap and drill enthusiasts out of hiding to buy this amazing magazine .

My new additions are;

  • Exclusive banner
  • Bar-code
  • Cost
  • Date
  • Title and artists name

I think my magazine cover looks very good, I may still come to change bits of it before I submit the final copy as by then I may have learnt more skills that I can use to make it better!

Next up for my magazine I will be looking at a two page spread of an example I would like to recreate with a different star.

My up coming targets are:

  • Investigate Interviews
  • Research some news on rappers
  • Check social media to find out what the celebrities are up too.

I can use some information gathered from my research to create a draft of my own article.

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