The Media Ecology.

Media Ecology is a theory concept that covers media, technology and communication and how they affect human environments, as-well as how they all rely on each other. It was first introduced in 1962 by Marshall McLuhan For example, our ecosystem works as follows:

  • Money comes in from paying customers at the ticket booth for their boat ride to the island, hotel night stay and return ticket
  • The Boat then Carries that money and the people to the island as well as its stock
  • The other boat already on the island then ships the money and the people back to the hotel where they have a nights stay
  • The Hotel then has supplies to upgrade their appliances which makes the customers come back for another stay
  • Then the boat brings the people back to the ticket booth to return home but are given a free nights stay at the hotel but have to pay to the boat ticket which attracts more tourists(building communities)

When producing my music magazine I will need to think about all the components in the media ecology to obtain the best potential outcome of my magazine. For example, my audience and how I will distribute my media to them, this will affect how my communities are built up with the type of social media that I share.

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